CHARMS Social Care Community Newsroom

Dec 2003 - Another installation of CHARMS

News ID: 108

Grateful thanks to the Team at Parents for Children for the support given to Craig during his 2 weeks on site installing CHARMS. Parents for Children was a pioneer project founded on a few simple beliefs: that every child deserved a family; that there was a family somewhere for every child; and that almost anyone could be a parent to a child. Parents for Children finds families for: School-aged children and brothers and sisters who need to stay together. Children who have been physically, sexually or emotionally abused; Disabled children of all ages; Children of diverse cultural backgrounds. Parents For Children Website For further advice or to arrange a FREE demonstration of CHARMS, in your own offices, please call 0870 112 0421.


Ground breaking collaboration between CHL and DRI

News ID: 107

The wait is over and CHL installed ASSETPro at Lancashire County Council's Supported Employment (Workstep) team in Chorley on Friday, 12 December 2003. CHL and DRi have combined their expertise to develop the ASSET database and HARP progression management tools into one integrated system specifically for providers in the WORKSTEP scheme. This innovation enables providers to capitalise on the very best available to modernise their operations to the highest possible standards in management information systems and employee progression. The new integrated system is known as ASSET-Pro and can be purchased as a single product. ASSET records Client progress and produces the Workstep monthly return on the click of a button. All of the Workstep certificates - and the Development Plans - can likewise be printed with just one click. For further advice or to arrange a FREE demonstration of ASSETPro, in your own offices, please call 0870 112 0421.


Oct 2003 - ASSET installed at MTIB

News ID: 106

Thanks to Richard, Petra and Debbie for their help with the installation of ASSET at the Merthyr Tydfil Institute for the Blind on 15 October 2003. ASSET's popularity is growing and with Modernisation Funding, qualifying Workstep providers can take advantage of the wealth of features offered AND get funding for the full purchase price of ASSET. ASSET records Client progress and produces the Workstep monthly return on the click of a button. All of the Workstep certificates - and the Development Plans - can likewise be printed with just one click. For further advice or to arrange a FREE demonstration of ASSET, in your own offices, please call 0870 112 0421.


Sep 2003 - Another ASSET installation

News ID: 102

Under the supervision of Margaret Jones and with the technical help of Rob Lomax, CHL installed ASSET at the Vocational Support Service in Kirkby. CHL's position at the forefront software provision to Supported Employment in the UK has now been further consolidated. You can contact Vocational Support Services at Community Services Centre Lathom Road Huyton L36 9XZ Contact: Jane Critchley Tel: 0151 549 1446 Vocational Support Services provide lunch for the older person at Lathom Road Community Services Centre. Drop in Monday to Friday (12.00pm-12.30pm). Prices as follows: LUNCH - £1.15 SOUP - 30p DESSERT - 35p


First Annual Report of Adoption Register

News ID: 101

The first Annual Report of the Adoption Register for England and Wales, with a foreword by Jacqui Smith MP, Minister Of State, praised CHL and our CHARMS software as follows : "Computing Help Ltd. (CHL) provide the CHARMS software system. They have worked closely with the register team to maintain this system and develop it to meet changing operational needs. CHL have provided flexible and willing support, and staff training." And also : "As data from the pilot agencies was received extensive tests were carried out which proved the software to be effective and reliable". The Adoption Register for England and Wales


CHL's installation team praised

News ID: 100

The following quote came from Barbara Ullyart – Deputy manager at Pinfold Lane day centre following the recent installation of the new EMS system: ”Grateful thanks to Computing Help Limited for the exceptional database system set up at our day centre. This has been tailored to our specification, is now up and running and has made our work so much easier, giving us immediate access to reports, statistics and service user information. There is even a facility to enable us to add photographs to care plans and medication records It is very user friendly with all aspects carefully and ingeniously covered to the last detail. CHL’s staff and support network are excellent with extra training offered if and when required.”


ASSET in July to make your troubles fly

News ID: 99

Mike and Mark, with Dave, Kevin and Claire, achieved an effortless installation of ASSET at Moorland Plastics in Barnsley. The story doesn't end there though. Mike will be back for some follow-up training and system review. Moorland Plastics are a Workstep provider and you can contact them on 01226 206 886.


Disability Learning Centres Council using ETC

News ID: 98

16th of July 2003 was the big day at DLCC and everything went smoothly. Not only was ETC installed but all of DLCC's data had been imported into the system so that by midday on 16th July they were up and running. DLCC can now manage all of their training provision, membership records, correspondence and management information reporting through one system, ETC. My thanks go to Graham, Julia, Tracey, Simon and Andrew for all their help... Jim Moores, CHL. What is a Disabled Living Centre (DLC)? A Disabled (or Independent) Living Centre (DLC) is a place where you can get free and ethical information and advice about products which can increase disabled or older people's choices about how they live. At a DLC you can see and try out products and explore other solutions. Centres provide free information to people in person, by telephone, letter or email. Who are the Disabled Living Centres Council (DLCC)? DLCs are led by a national organisation called the Disabled Living Centres Council (DLCC). We aim to improve disabled and older people's access to accurate, reliable and impartial information and advice about products and equipment for easier living.


<b>ASSET</b> is moving out to all 4 corners of the UK

News ID: 97

In two successive weeks ASSET was installed in Elgin and Chorley. On 24 June 2003 the CHL team installed ASSET under the supervision of Alan Weaver in Elgin. The Moray Council can now get the full benefit of using the foremost Supported Employment software developed and supported in the UK Thank you Alan and all the staff in Elgin.. Then on 3 July 2003, with the help of Stuart Nelson from Lancs Social Services IT, the team at Weldbank in Chorley became the most recent group of users of ASSET. Thank you Paul Fitzpatrick and everyone in Chorley..


hugely successful installation of <b>ASSET</b>

News ID: 96

Another hugely successful installation of ASSET (Access System for Supported Employment and Training). Bill Gaskins and his team at DORSET ENTERPRISES/ESCOR TOYS Elliot Road, Bournemouth spent a very productive day with CHL's installation and Training team on 22 May 2003. By the end of the day they were happily setting up Client records and looking forward spending a full day transferring all clients from their old system. Thank you everyone at Dorset Enterprises/Escor Toys. You can contact them on Tel: 01202 577966, Fax: 01202 570049
