CHARMS Social Care Community Newsroom

Mar 2002 - South Wales Adoption Agency Consortium get CHARMS

News ID: 62

The South Wales Adoption Consortium became the first agency in the principality to take up CHARMS. After a single day of installation and training there were no hitches and CHARMS is in active use.


Mar 2002 - Manchester Social Services get CHARMS

News ID: 61

In the biggest single implementation yet of CHARMS, Craig Barrie - CHL's Project Leader for the system - reported complete success. CHARMS was installed on 20 machines and the Family Placement Team were dedicating resources to enter their historic records onto the system.


Feb 2002 - London Borough of Redbridge get CHARMS

News ID: 60

The London Borough of Redbridge is now one of the increasing number of users of CHARMS (Computing Help Adoption Register Management System) around the UK. They can now record and monitor information on children and families as well as producing management reports and detailed statistical information at the touch of a button.


Feb 2002 - North East & Cumbria Co-op get Funeral Bonds

News ID: 59

We are pleased to announce that North East and Cumbria Co-op have chosen to use CHL’s Funeral Bonds system. As with all of CHL’s systems it has been designed to be intuitive and easy to use as well as being extremely reliable. Management reports and detailed statistical information can also be produced at the touch of a button.


Feb 2002 - Victim Support - Sheffield

News ID: 58

We are pleased to announce that Victim Support Sheffield have chosen to use CHL’s VSS (Victim Support System). Originally developed for the Stockport branch of the Greater Manchester Federation of Victim Support Schemes the system enables the input of information on victims’ referrals and of their progress through the Criminal Injuries Compensation process. VSS will also allow them to keep a record of all volunteers and their relevant experience and produce management and statistical reports in the format required by National Office.


Jan 2002 - After Adoption get Referral System

News ID: 57

We are pleased to announce that After Adoption have chosen to use CHL’s Referral system. As with all of CHL’s systems it has been designed to be intuitive and easy to use as well as being extremely reliable. Management reports and detailed statistical information can also be produced at the touch of a button.


Dec 2001 - The Home Office get Court Caseload Management

News ID: 56

We are pleased to announce that The Home Office have chosen to use CHL’s Court Caseload Management system. As with all of CHL’s systems it has been designed to be intuitive and easy to use as well as being extremely reliable. Management reports and detailed statistical information can also be produced at the touch of a button.


Dec 2001 - Victim Support - South Tynedale

News ID: 55

Victim Support South Tynedale is now one of the increasing number of users of CHL’s VSS (Victim Support System). The system was originally developed for the Stockport branch of the Greater Manchester Federation of Victim Support Schemes and enables the input of information on victims’ referrals and of their progress through the Criminal Injuries Compensation process. VSS will also allow them to keep a record of all volunteers and their relevant experience and produce management and statistical reports in the format required by National Office.


Nov 2001 - London Borough of Islington Council get CHARMS

News ID: 54

CHARMS (Computing Help Adoption Register Management System) is the leading software package for the day to day running of both adoption and fostering teams and the London Borough of Islington Council is now one of the increasing number of users of the system. They can now record and monitor children and families, find matches and produce detailed management reports and statistical information at the touch of a button.


Oct 2001 - Southwark Social Services Department get ETC

News ID: 53

We are pleased to announce that Southwark Social Services have joined the increasing number of users of CHL’s ETC (Enrolment, Training & Certification) System around the UK. ETC enables Training Managers to easily manage all of their training provision, records and correspondence through one easy to use system. Management reports and detailed statistical information can also be produced at the touch of a button.
