In the event that you encounter difficulty logging into your account, it is advisable for you to reach out to the helpdesk for assistance. The helpdesk is equipped to provide support and resolve any issues that may be preventing successful access. This includes assisting you with identifying the correct agency location for you to login at. You should provide relevant details regarding your login attempts, including any error messages received, to facilitate a more efficient resolution process.
You may be asked to give the information at this page. This link opens the page in a new tab in your browser.
Additionally, it is important for you to ensure that you have followed the correct login procedures, including verifying your username and password. If the problem persists despite these checks, contacting our helpdesk, or your CHARMS administrator is essential. The support team will guide you through some troubleshooting steps and may offer solutions such as resetting passwords or unlocking accounts, ensuring that you can regain access to your account promptly.