CHARMS Social Care Community Newsroom

CHARMS™ Customer Newsletter - July 2022

News ID: 671

The July issue of our CHARMS™ customer newsletter is available to read online now:


CHARMS™ Customer Newsletter - June 2022

News ID: 672

The June issue of our CHARMS™ customer newsletter is available to read online now:


New CHARMS™ Customer - Sportfit Support

News ID: 669

A warm welcome to our newest CHARMS™ customer, Sportfit Support!
In their own words, Sportfit are 'dedicated to making a difference in the lives of young people with behavioural issues and unique situations', offering 'high-end support to 16-19 year old young people to allow them, and their families, to take a break'.
To read more about the services Sportfit offer, please check out their website


New CHARMS™ Customer - Imagine Care

News ID: 670

Welcome to new CHARMS™ customer Imagine Care!
Imagine Care offers therapeutic residential care and education services for children and young people who have experienced trauma and neglect.
Find out more about Imagine Care and the work they do over on their website:


CHARMS™ Customer Newsletter - May 2022

News ID: 673

The May issue of our CHARMS™ customer newsletter is available to read online now:


New CHARMS™ Customer - Zone Central

News ID: 668

Welcome to new CHARMS™ customer Zone Central!
"Zone Central are committed to providing family-centred outstanding care and support to children and young people with Autism spectrum diagnoses, learning disabilities & physical disabilities living within London boroughs and the Greater London area. Zone Central creates a bespoke service central to the needs of the family, whether that is through our CQC registered services, providing family and home based support and intervention, our Ofsted registered short break facilities, our community based programmes supported by a day centre, holiday schemes or our Ofsted registered longer term residential homes."
See more here!


CHARMS™ To End Internet Explorer Support

News ID: 666

On the 15th of June 2022 Microsoft are officially retiring Internet Explorer. From this date, Microsoft will no longer support the browser, which means no more security fixes for any vulnerabilities that may be found in the future.
CHARMS™ support for Internet Explorer will also end on this date as we can't guarantee the safety of customer data if users are accessing the web application via an unsupported browser.
CHARMS™ will work with all modern Chromium based browsers (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Samsung Internet, Amazon Silk), Firefox and Apple's Safari browser.
If you have any applications outside of CHARMS™ that don't work well with other browsers, Microsoft have built in an "IE Mode" to Microsoft Edge. This should function like the "Compatibility Mode" used to in Internet Explorer, forcing the browser to imitate the behaviour of older versions.


Customer Feedback

News ID: 667

Thanks to Jackie at Caldecott Fostering for her feedback on how CHARMS has helped them complete their Ofsted Dataset with ease this year:
'We have found the 'Ofsted Dataset' report produced by Charms very helpful in ensuring we could complete and submit our annual Ofsted data collection easily. The data collection process is much less onerous when using Charms in this way.'


CHARMS™ Customer Newsletter - April 2022

News ID: 664

The April issue of our CHARMS™ customer newsletter is available to read online now:


CHARMS™ Customer Newsletter - March 2022

News ID: 665

The March issue of our CHARMS™ customer newsletter is available to read online now:
