CHARMS Social Care Community Newsroom

April 2003 - ASSET goes live at Cheadle Royal Industries

News ID: 91

The popularity of CHL's Supported Employment and Training system, ASSET, grows with yet another installation. Interest in the ASSET system has grown hugely over the last year and Cheadle Royal Industries gave the green light to go ahead with installation just a few weeks ago. ASSET is now in use as far afield as Essex and Inverness and has now taken over from CHARMS (used by adoption and fostering agencies) as CHL's best selling system. If you are interested in a free demonstration of any of our systems please get in touch by email at or call us on 0870 112 0421 (ask for Christine or Karen, or FAX : 0161 236 6486).


April 2003 - Lancashire County Council order CHARMS

News ID: 90

We are pleased to announce the Lancashire County Council are the latest authority to purchase CHARMS. One of the factors influencing their decision to purchase the system was the very positive feedback they got from the existing CHARMS user community who reported a very responsive and helpful telephone support service - thanks everyone :) CHARMS is now in use at 24 sites on over 100 computers throughout England and Wales. Local authorites, voluntary agencies and the National Adoption Register all use the system for the day to day running of both adoption and fostering teams as well as the production of detailed statistical information. If you are interested in a free demonstration of any of our systems please get in touch by email at or call us on 0870 112 0421 (ask for Christine or Karen, or FAX : 0161 236 6486).


March 2003 - CHL sign National Framework Agreement

News ID: 89

After months of hard work preparing the paperwork, CHL's CES4 (Community Equipment System) gets the green light. Along with our nationally recognised CHARMS (Adoption and Fostering), CES4 is now officially available for use throughout the UK. CHL were invited to put forward an offer to sign a National Framework Agreement for the provision of Community Equipment Services Management Systems. After the hard work of everyone at CHL we are now signatories to the Agreement and Equipment Services can now choose to purchase CES4 in the knowledge that it meets 100% of the requirement outlined by the NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency. I would like to say thank you to everyone at CHL in Ducie House, Manchester - and well done! Jim Moores, MD. If you are interested in a free demonstration of any of our systems please get in touch by email at or call us on 0870 112 0421 (ask for Christine or Karen, or FAX : 0161 236 6486).


February 2003 - CHARMS installed in Shrewsbury

News ID: 87

The Family Placement team in Shrewsbury are pleased to be the latest users of CHARMS. Perhaps the most widely used database system specifically for Adoption and Fostering, CHARMS has now been provided to the team at Shrewsbury. It was installed and up and running all in one day; with the key users trained and happily using the system. They can now record and monitor children and families; find matches; produce management statistics and print off referrals for the National Adoption Register for England and Wales - themselves long standing users of CHARMS. If you are interested in a free demonstration of any of our systems please get in touch by email at or call us on 0870 112 0421 (ask for Christine or Karen, or FAX : 0161 236 6486).


February 2003 - CHARMS at Yorks Consortium

News ID: 88

After a demonstration to a number of the Consortium members CHARMS was ordered and installed within a matter of weeks. The decision to go with CHARMS was easy once members had seen it in action. Also influenced by the fact that a number of other consortia, local authorities and voluntary agencies already use CHARMS the members of the Yorkshire Consortium were pleased to go ahead with its purchase. They can now record and monitor children and families; find matches; produce management statistics and print off referrals for the National Adoption Register for England and Wales - themselves long standing users of CHARMS. If you are interested in a free demonstration of any of our systems please get in touch by email at or call us on 0870 112 0421 (ask for Christine or Karen, or FAX : 0161 236 6486).


February 2003 - SureCHART to be installed at Hyde

News ID: 86

Abdel Iffakh from the Sure Start programme in Hyde has just confirmed that CHL are the provider of the database system for their use. The decision to award the system to CHL was influenced by a glowing reference from one of CHL's existing SureCHART users - Andrew Blore (Information and Monitoring Coordinator for Sure Start Ashton): "We have been using the CHL SureCHART system for over six months and it has been fantastic. The system supports both the day to day needs of the programme and Sure Start head office requirements. I have found the system easy to use yet flexible enough to respond to changing demands both internally and externally. The level of support given by CHL has been excellent, they respond to any problems the same day and the staff have been very friendly and supportive. I cannot recommended this system highly enough." If you are interested in a free demonstration of any of our systems please get in touch by email at or call us on 0870 112 0421 (ask for Christine or Karen, or FAX : 0161 236 6486).


January 2003 - The big push is underway

News ID: 85

With over 100 local authority sites using CHL's range of systems the drive has started to raise awareness of what those systems can offer to the whole of the public sector in the UK. Over the next few weeks we will be "out in the field" telling local government and central government people what the benefits are of using CHL. If you are interested in a free demonstration of any of our systems please use the contact form provided on the contact us page or call us on 0161 237 1872 (ask for Christine or Karen, or FAX : 0161 236 6486).


January 2003 - Version 7.5 of ETC meets universal approval

News ID: 84

ETC Version 7.5 has been installed in Blackpool, Camden, Bury, Ealing, Southwark, Redcar and Plymouth and they all report huge satisfaction. Jas at ealing said, "I really enjoy using the ETC system and will make considerable use of the reports, especially the Team Staff List"


December 2002 - Isle of Wight gets CHARMS

News ID: 83

Thanks to Sarah Pepys, Jenny Dix, Jane Sklaroff and Ken Dore for their help on 4 December 2002 when the men from CHARMS installed the new system. In the words of the Team from IOW themselves : " For computer semi-illiterates the system is very easy to use and gives instant access to a multitude of statistics hitherto collected from far flung written records. Above all it was installed by CHARM-ing people !" The Isle of Wight is now one of the increasing number of users of CHARMS (Computing Help Adoption Register Management System) around the UK. CHARMS is the leading software package that matches children and families. Over the next year users will see the benefit of increased use of the internet and further enhancments to monitor progress of children and families throughout the whole process of adoption and fostering - and post adoption


November 2002 - CHARMS goes live in Coventry

News ID: 82

With the considerable help of Hazel Brooks and the Family Placement Team in Coventry CHARMS is now up and running. Data has been successfully transferred from a number of other systems formerly in use by the Team and over the next couple of months CHL will be liaising closely with Hazel to make sure that the transition is seamless. Coventry are now alongside Birmingham and Manchester Social Services departments in the forefront of the use of CHARMS. Other CHARMS sites are, West Midlands Adoption Consortium, Shropshire CC, London Boroughs of Redbridge, Bromley and Islington, East Sussex CC, Barnsley MBC, Isle of Wight, South Wales Consortium, Parents and Children Together and Greater Manchester Consortium - as well as the National Adoption Register for England and Wales. Thanks again to Hazel and the Team at Coventry.
