28/11/2006 - Latest update on NE London NMDS
News ID: 155
With Jenny Dutton and Phil Dillon-Thistleton CHL is pleased to announce that NE London has now passed the 150 mark for NMDS-SC returns.
Using CHL's unique WAN system - which costs just £25.00 per year - more than 150 care providers have now submitted their NMDS return. WAN version 4 now, automatically fills in the Excel version of the NMDS-SC.
The lucky organisations that have WAN can now complete their NMDS-SC return in less than 2 minutes.
WAN is the most easy to use workforce development system around. It allows the user to manage all staff training, qualification, contact information and much more. Many organisations have purchased WAN themselves to manage staff development on a day to day basis.
In North East London over 240 care providers now have WAN and here are some of their comments :
“CRB/First aid tracking getting staff development on system and putting it all together.” - Real Life Parenting, Newham
“The software was installed successfully. I'm sure it will enhance staff and volunteer record keeping within the organisation. The software will be useful for the organisation and volunteer records including staff development training documentation.” - Stratford Learning Zone aka EXCEL Learning Zone
“It's great!” - Eastbrook House
“Pleased with training - understood how to input data.I feel this system is very beneficial.” - Pre School Learning Alliance
“very keen to use system as they are a brand new organisation who are struggling to report back even to their own headoffice at present.Left a WAN cd with the owner for onward transmission to his IT manager as they want to install at their stratford site” - Windwood Lodge Care Home, Redbridge.
“Hope to get full supoort in developing our care staff. Support as with the CSCI Inspection” - APASENTH Home & Community Care, Tower Hamlets.
“Can really see the benefit and once the data is in it will be an asset.” - Excelcare Holdings, Tower Hamlets.
“Like the report feature helpfulfeature - will be used to record worker essential details excellent training” - Spark Centre (The), Tower Hamlets.
“Impressed” - Lifecare Consulting, Waltham Forest.
“The training was made easy to understand and enjoyable” – Touchsky, Waltham Forest.
“Extremely good value for money at £25- per annum. If it handled staff tracking we would be able to give up our existing database and just use WAN.” - Greenwich Toy Library
“I am very keen for TLC to be part of this workforce development programme, as it links in with developments and improvements we are making within the organization.” - Stuart Hornsby, Chief Executive, TLC Care Services
“Very useful - will save a lot of time. All in one package” - Alyson House, Southend
“Very useful and would like to use the system as main personnel system, will renew after 12 months” - Age Concern Newham
“Very interesting and useful software will enable me to monitor and schedule training and have staff information at my fingertips” - Waltham Forest Disability Resource Centre
“Very excited by the prospects of this new system. It is a vast improvement on our current paper and spread sheet based data. It will save considerable time implementing the NMDS questionnaire” - Essex care Consortium
“Thought it was very useful as their existing HR system is inaccessible to most of their staff”.- Estuary Housing Association
“Very Helpful system which will cut down my paperwork” - Eight Ash Court, Essex
“I can see the potential of the system and it will be interesting to see how we as a team can benefit from it, particularly with regard to accessing training” - Charles Dickens Court Day Centre
“Save time, easy access to information” - Pat Shaw House, Excelcare
“Very excited about the whole project and eager to go ahead and use the system” - The Princess Royal Lewisham Carers Centre
“Easy to use and will input all staff” - Age Concern Havering
“Thinks the system will be a very useful internal database”.- Immaculate Healthcare Services Limited
“The software was installed successfully. I'm sure it will enhance staff and volunteer record keeping within the organization. “ - Stratford Learning Zone aka EXCEL Learning Zone
“It’s a brilliant little system!We will get immediate benefit.The record card is just like a CV and the reports will be very useful” VT, Hackney
“We have all been really impressed with the WAN system and are sure it will prove really useful to our organisation.One staff member has just had an appraisal as part of her management NVQ and printing out her staff record card was really useful piece of evidence to show the assessor in a simple and straightforward way” OWFA, Stratford
“This will be very useful to our care home, to log information for training management personnel details for staff. Really looking forward to using it.” Cavell Lodge, Leigh on Sea.
“I found it really easy to use and of great help to us in recording staff info.It is a good system which was helped by having such a good teacher to install it for us!We thank you for giving us the opportunity to pilot this scheme.” Cavell Lodge, Essex
“Yes, we would love the latest update to WAN.
I would like to ask about the “archiving function” (when staff have left) - Is there a way we can get a report of those who have been archived, as I believe the auditors like to see such detail. It is also useful for reference request, as you have the dates of employment easily on hand without going through the filing.” – Essex Care Consortium
For more information please ringh 0870 112 0421 and ask for Jim or Diane.