CHARMS Social Care Community Newsroom

Nov 2007 - Adoption Register gets Extension

News ID: 167

We are pleased to say that CHARMS will continue to be used by the Adoption Register for England and Wales for at least another year. This ground breaking Government project, being run by the British Association for Adoption and Fostering, has been extended until 30/11/2008 while the next phase is considered. This means that CHL's CHARMS has been the "engine" behind the first national database of children requiring adoption and carers seeking to adopt for more than six years. The Adoption Register database has not suffered a single days downtime in its six and a half year history. During that time CHL has worked closely with BAAF to help find placements for those children most in need. In the last year we have also introduced a full, online system so that adoption agancies across England and Wales can refer children and carers directly into the central CHARMS database using the internet. Using a very high level of security Social Workers can login and enter a child's details as soon as they identify a need to do so. This is a rare example of a national IT project which has been entirely successful and which has been operational, 24 hours a day, every day since its inception. CHL maintains its record of robust systems backed up by the best user support to the adoption and fostering. To find out more please feel free to ring us on 0870 112 0421 or email You can read more about the Adoption Register for England and Wales at


October 2007 RLSB announce the purchase of ASSET

News ID: 163

Published: Monday, 10/10/2007 Reference number: 2007/5485ASSET David Arthur, Technical Employment Support Advisor , Royal London Society for the Blind is pleased to announce the purchase of ASSET – the most widely used Supported Employment database system in the UK. After careful consideration and extensive testing to confirm that ASSET worked with JAWS (the screen reader software), RLSB decided that ASSET was the best system to help manage case records for all of the people that they support. David Arthur said : " The Asset system will cover our Employment Services data requirements including the preparation of the monthly claim of our Workstep contract with Job Centre Plus. It works well with the Jaws Screen Reader that gives blind people access to the computer in the workplace. " Jim Moores, Managing Director, CHL said: ‘This is great news indeed and means that ASSET continues to increase its customer base across the UK. It is now widely recognized that ASSET works equally well across all Supported Employment provision including Workstep. It is with considerable pride that we share this announcement with RLSB – one of the most high profile and important providers of services to people with a visual impairment. We are looking forward to installing ASSET soon so that we can help reduce the burden of paperwork at RLSB and thereby free up time for frontline support. Thank you everyone at RLSB.‘ Notes for Editors : The Royal London Society for the Blind provides the highest quality education, training and employment support for blind and partially sighted children, young people and adults. ---Contact--- Andy Rowell , Marketing and Communications Manager, Royal London Society for the Blind. Tel: 01732 592684. email: For over 11 years CHL’s systems have provided the information tools for thousands of staff on the front line of social care. Every day, those same staff rely on our systems to manage caseload and to evidence the services they provide to all groups of clients in the care sector. CHL has a professional team of 8 software analyst/developers with a combined 75 years of experience, supported by training staff, social care consultants and support staff who are there, every day to respond to customers’ needs. For more information please visit or call 0870 112 0421”


September 2007 - NMDS-SC Timetable

News ID: 162

CHL representatives attended NMDS-SC workshops in Bolton and London and we are pleased to be able to let you know the following timetable for implementation of NMDS-SC Online : - August 2007 - Interim Establishments can use NMDS-SC Online ( Organisations that completed NMDSSC before 31st May 2007 should have received their passwords.) - October 2007 : Organisations that have completed NMDS-SC after this date will receive their password by the end of November 2007 - January 2008 : The bulk uploader will be available for Local Authorities and large employers, - April 2008 : Full reporting capability available. It has also been made clear that ALL providers, of whatever size, will be able to use the bulk uploader. Great News! This means that every WAN user will be able to produce the data required for their NMDS-SC upload on the click of a single button. As soon as Skills for Care announce the format of the bulk upload files CHL will issue a new release of WAN through this website. If you need any advice on this matter please ring CHL on 0208 406 3834 and ask for Diane Hamilton.


August 2007 - CHARMS Payments system at FS

News ID: 160

After extensive "running in" CHARMS Pay is fully operational at Fostering Solutions North West. CHARMS Pay manages every aspect of the foster carer payments and local authority invoicing process. With the considerable input of the team at FS this major project is now complete. Special thanks go to Janet Cuffe who has patiently worked through the detailed process with CHL's ownMark Collins and between them they have reduced the staff effort from several days every month to a matter of hours. This means of course that the staff at Fostering Solutions can dedicate more time to the delivery of services to foster carers and children in their care. CHL's MD, Jim Moores said "I am very pleased with the outcome of this complex project. Fostering Solutions are an important customer with whom we have worked over the last two years and for whom CHARMS is crucial in meeting all of their data needs. CHARMS Pay is completely integrated with their main CHARMS records and data is only ever entered once. In addition, dynamic links to the Dimensions finance system mean that the whole process of carer recruitment and payment is seamless and efficient."


18/7/2007 - CHARMS featured on the BBC

News ID: 159

The BBC "Family Wanted" initiative featured CHL's CHARMS system throughout the piece   "Family Wanted: Halima in Limbo    10.35pm, BBC One  Tonight’s programme is about finding families for children in care and the particular difficulties in placing older children, such as Halima"    CHARMS is the computer database system used by the Agency featured in the program to help match children to potential adopters and foster carers. CHARMS is used by the Adoption Register for England and Wales to match children who have been waiting for some time, with adopters.    For more information contact CHL on 0161 237 18721


CHL in the Five Outcomes vanguard

News ID: 158

CHL continues to innovate in Children's Services systems and has now launched its unique 5Outcomes system which can link to any existing Children’s records and allow professionals to record achievements.

Using a simple scoring system, CHL's 5Outcomes program uses existing data to monitor progress for every looked after young person.

5Outcomes maintains a complete history of achievements.

5Outcomes can then demonstrate, visually, what progress has been made:

For more information contact CHL on 0870 112 0421 and ask for Jim Moores or email You can also download the 5outcomes information sheet.

So far reaction to the system has been incredible.

The Every Child Matters green paper identified the five outcomes that are most important to children and young people:
·&&& Be healthy
·&&& Stay safe
·&&& Enjoy and achieve
·&&& Make a positive contribution
·&&& Achieve economic well-being
Every Child Matters: Change for Children is a new approach to the well-being of children and young people from birth to age 19.


13th - 15th June 2007 - 8th EUSE Conference

News ID: 157

The Northern Ireland Union of Supported Employment (NIUSE) ishosting the 8th European Union of Supported Employment (EUSE) Conference in the Waterfront Hall, Belfast, Northern Ireland from 13th to 15th June 2007. CHL is pleased to be attending this prestigious event as an Exhibitor and we are looking forward to seeing current, and hopefully future users, of our renowned ASSET system - the most widely used Supported Employment software in the UK ASSET now includes a unique, easy to use, Progression tool which lets you monitor how, with your help, Clients are overcoming barriers to unsupported employment. Having worked with the UK Supported Employment community since 1996 CHL is well placed to help any organisation whose remit is to help all those who face barriers to emplyment. You can find out more on the Conference website.


Apr 2007 - Oldham, TIE get ASSET Online

News ID: 165

After the success of ASSET at Oldham, Training Into Employment, ASSET Online has now been implemented. This means that all staff can access Client records through a secure web-based system - from any computer which is connected to the internet.


Apr 2007 - Birmingham Post Adoption to get CHARMS

News ID: 164

CHL is pleased to announce that birmingham City Council have decided to purchase CHARMS post adoption modules including : - Letterbox, - Adopter Allowances, - Access to Birth Records, - Inter Agancy Placements, - Post Adoption Support. For more information contact CHL on 0161 237 1872


March 07 Argyll and Bute get ETC.

News ID: 156

CHL is pleased to announce that Argyll and Bute Council have purchased ETC and it went live on 9/3/2007. Ernie Brown, Training and Health and Safety Manager, Argyll and Bute Council said : ‘We have been looking to implement a dedicated training management package for some time and initially heard about ETC from a promotional flyer. After a demonstration late last year we were convinced. We are looking forward to all the benefits that ETC can provide – the first of which is getting all of our training records organised.’ Jim Moores, MD, CHL said : ‘It is probably the most scenic installation we have ever undertaken; a leisurely drive through Glasgow, past Loch Lomond and on down the A83 towards Campbeltown and you will get to Lochgilphead. Wow! The mountains, the sea, the people. I’m looking forward to the follow up visit to deliver advanced training.’ Notes for Editors Situated on the west coast of Scotland, Argyll and Bute is one of the most beautiful and diverse areas in Britain. Argyll and Bute Council covers the second largest geographical area of any Scottish local authority, stretching for over 100 miles from Appin in the north to Campbeltown in the south and more than 80 miles across from the island of Tiree in the west to Helensburgh in the east. It has six towns, 25 inhabited islands and over 2,700 miles of coastline. The Training Team is based at the Clydesdale Bank Building, Poltalloch Street, Lochgilphead, Argyll, PA31 8LP and you can contact Liz Perkins, Training Officer on 01546 604 051. Computing Help Limited, based in Manchester, now has some 500 sites around the UK using its social care systems. They range from Government Departments and large Private Sector organisations to independent care providers with one or two staff. CHL has become the foremost provider of Adoption and Fostering and Supported Employment software in the UK.
