CHARMS Social Care Community Newsroom

Suffolk County Council announce purchase of CHARMS

News ID: 129

The Suffolk County Council website announced : ADOPTION AGENCY TO ACQUIRE NEW DATABASE Suffolk Adoption Agency is to equip its staff with an Access type database which has been tailor made for use by adoption and fostering agencies and is already in use by several adoption agencies, adoption consortia and the Adoption Register for England and Wales. The software (called CHARMS) will enable agency staff to: Check children and applicants progress through the system to avoid drift Assist the matching of children with adopters who meet their needs Record key data for auditing and management control purposes and much else besides A project team is about to start work and implementation is planned within 6 months. See more about CHARMS


Adoption Register Annual Report

News ID: 128

The second Annual Report of the Adoption Register for England and Wales, with a foreword by Margaret Hodge Minister for Children, Young People and Families, explained : “The Adoption Register is a government project based on an IT system which has proven to be reliable and flexible. The Charms system, developed by Computing Help Ltd. has been adapted to changing service requirements. The register team has had discussions with their provider to plan for the development of the system as the government moves further into electronic information transfers. The system can be made more accessible and user friendly to agencies and individuals, with good security in place. It is also encouraging that the register’s software system is being used by many adoption agencies. This can only ease communication in the future.” Ruth Fasht, Director, Adoption Register said : “The heart of the register's work is its unique database containing more than 10,000 records of all children and approved adopters.” Craig Barrie, Project Manager, CHARMS said : “The work that CHL has undertaken over the last two years to ensure that the Register was able to operate continuously has now been recognised across the adoption community. CHARMS is the foremost adoption and fostering management system in the UK. With over 30 sites and 150 licenced users and with interest from many other service providers it is fast becoming the national standard. Work has now been completed to integrate CHARMS with other Client databases so that referrals are recorded only once; and CHARMS is automatically updated. Further announcements will follow.” For further advice or to arrange a FREE demonstration in your own offices, please call 0870 112 0421.


ASSETWeb is launched

News ID: 127

ASSETWeb is launched Meridian East Assistant General Manager, Suzi Heybourne, today announced the launch of an interactive, internet based facility to allow Training Employment Consultants to manage clients’ progress records any time, anywhere. This unique approach, used nowhere else in the UK Supported Employment Community, will mean that client information may be accessed from any computer with internet access. Taking advantage of the Broadband revolution, Meridian East recognised that in Social Care up-to-date information in respect of client needs and achievements is crucial to providing them with the best service possible. Using the latest in security technology (as operated by many banks and other financial institutions) Training and Employment Consultants and other Staff can “logon” to the Web and can update client records to reflect progress – for example when a review or assessment has taken place. Suzi Heybourne said : "I am delighted to announce this innovative approach which puts Meridian East at the forefront of the Supported Employment Community. Our IT partners, Computing Help Limited (CHL), have driven this project forward having recognised that Meridian East is the sort of forward thinking, voluntary organisation that would immediately see the tremendous benefits for clients. The initial IT software package was purchased by Meridian East to meet the demands of a county-wide service. The development of the inter-active, internet based service has been entirely funded by CHL – with no input from Government – but it is hoped now that the benefits of this approach on a National scale will be recognised." Jim Moores, Managing Director, CHL said: "I am very excited by the enlightened way that Meridian East has grasped this unique opportunity. We have worked very closely together to drive the project forward. I am certain that many other Supported Employment Agencies will see the benefits and will move ahead in the same way over the coming months – interest is pouring in from all over the UK." Meridian President, Ian Gibson, MP, said : "I welcome this exciting initiative which will lead the way in Supported Employment and in social care. I am particularly pleased that disadvantaged people in Norfolk will be some of the first beneficiaries of even more improved services as a result." Notes to editor 1. Meridian East is a Norfolk wide organisation which offers high quality, individually tailored supported employment and training opportunities for people with mental health problems, learning and physical disabilities. 2. Computing Help Limited (CHL) was founded by its Managing Director, Jim Moores, in 1996 in recognition of the need to provide cost-effective computer database systems to Social Care. A former IT Manager in Central and Local Government Jim Moores has led CHL to its position as one of the leading providers of systems to Statutory, Voluntary and Private social care providers in the UK. Since its formation in 1996 CHL’s userbase has grown to over 150 sites (from Inverness to Isle of Wight). Over 1,500 licenced users logon to CHL’s systems every day. In the coming year this figure is set to double. More than 50 sites in the UK now use ASSET (Access System for Supported Employment and Training). 3. Public enquires to Meridian East on 01603 667525 . 4. Technical Enquiries to Computing Help Limited on 0870 112 0421. For further advice or to arrange a FREE demonstration in your own offices, please call 0870 112 0421.


June 2004 - Notts CC Arts Support Service

News ID: 126

With the active support and hard work of the staff of The Arts Support Service, CHL has implemented a unique, integrated computer system to help manage Music, Dance and Drama activities for pupils in Nottinghamshire; and to help keep track of instruments loaned to pupils. Special thanks to Alex, Tracy, Jenny, Hilary, Margaret, Sue, Richard, Lesley, Kelly and Jenny M. The new system pulls together information from ten different databases so that support to pupils can be offered more efficiently; and management reports may be generated across the whole Service. The Arts Support Service website describes the service as follows : ’In Nottinghamshire we have established a model of arts provision which develops and enriches the curriculum for pupils, students and adults in school and beyond. The provision is designed to ensure access to arts opportunities of the highest quality and forms part of the Nottinghamshire Education Entitlement Curriculum. We work with schools to: - provide high quality teaching and learning of musical instruments and support to the music and arts curriculum - provide high quality workshop and performance experiences in music and theatre to challenge able and talented pupils - provide high quality opportunities to pupils beyond the school day that increases their knowledge and understanding of music and the arts.’ Jim Moores (Managing Director of CHL) said "This nationally recognised service will be even better placed to help pupils in Nottinghamshire to take advantage of the opportunities offered in performing arts. Their forward thinking approach to the use of IT means that information is readily to hand and users of the service will be the immediate beneficiaries." Tracy James (Senior Administrator, Arts Support Service) said "This major development has been coordinated by CHL and has now resulted in a unique computer system that allows the whole Arts Support Service to better track services offered. By pulling together many different systems this major project has led to improvements in efficiency and in greater user satisfaction. We look forward to delivering even better services to young people interested in the performing arts.” For further advice or to arrange a FREE demonstration in your own offices, please call 0870 112 0421.


June 2004 - ASSET is on the Web

News ID: 124

The ASSET online version (ASSETWeb) is now up and running. With the help of Meridian East - a forward thinking Supported Employment provider in Norfolk - CHL has completed tests of ASSETWeb and it is now available for use across the UK. For further advice or to arrange a FREE demonstration of ASSET, in your own offices, please call 0161 237 1872.


May 2004 - ETC for NE London PCT

News ID: 123

ETC was successfully installed at the North East London PCT and arrangements are in place to distribute WAN (CHL's unique Workforce ANalysis tool) to care providers. Thanks to Jane Winter and the Team. With ETC 9 the PCT will be able to gather and analyse data from all the independent Care providers in the NE London consortium. CHL has been invited to to present WAN to Providers during the summer. The PCT is then offering assistance to Providers to help them record Staff data and qualifications - and then submit it to the PCT to enable them to coordinate training. For only £25.00 per year Care Providers may use WAN to record and report upon staff data and submit it electronically to the statutory authority. Reports are easy and information for Inspectors is available on the click of a button. For further advice or to receive a free demonstration CD of WAN/ETC please call 0870 112 0421.


May 2004 - WAN goes out to Nth Somerset Managers

News ID: 122

CHL's WAN (the innovative Workforce ANalysis system for Care Providers) has been installed in Homecare, Daycare, Residential Care, Children's Services and Adult Provider services across North Somerset. As a precursor to its distribution across the Care Sector in North Somerset, Social Services Team Managers have agreed to use the WAN to enter their staff details; their qualifications and training. On the click of a button they can then update the Training and Staff Development Team's records. WAN will help North Somerset Council to accurately identify the training requirement of all of the Care Staff in their area. Thank you to the Managers who are taking part in the pilot. Jim Moores, MD, CHL For only £25.00 per year Care Providers may use WAN to record and report upon staff data and submit it electronically to the statutory authority. Reports are easy and information for Inspectors is available on the click of a button. For further advice or to receive a free demonstration CD of WAN/ETC please call 0870 112 0421.


May 2004 - Pathplus Sheffield City Council

News ID: 121

Another successful ASSET installation at Pathplus Sheffield City Council. ASSET is fast becoming THE Supported Employment system. Every installation to date - from Inverness and Elgin to Bournemouth - has been a complete success. At the latest installation in Sheffield ASSET's popularity was confirmed by those attending the recent Consortium meeting in Leeds - everyone is talking about ASSET and the huge benefits that flow from its use. With the introduction of the new SQLServer version of ASSET its userbase is growing rapidly. And we can announce that ASSET.NET is just around the corner. In June 2004 it is being piloted in Norfolk with the help of Meridian East. For further advice or to arrange a demonstration of ASSET, in your own offices, please call 0870 112 0421.


March 2004 - Annual AfSE conference well attended

News ID: 120

CHL's MD, Jim Moores, and ASSET Project Director, Mike Barlow, both attended the AfSE conference at the Newcastle Assembly Rooms. The turnout of delegates was up with the record attendance of 2003 (some 125 people from all over the UK). CHL had a really productive day, with lots of new interest in ASSET. Our grateful thanks go to Huw Davies and the AfSE Committee for inviting CHL to attend. ASSET is the foremost computer database system for Supported Employment developed and supported in the UK. Now with more than 100 licenced users, ASSET is rightly recognised as the most popular, independently developed computer system in the UK. ASSET offers : - 2 hour, person to person response to all support calls, - electronic storage of ALL Client documents - no more paper, - simple to use and flexible reporting tools, - complete Client progress monitoring and production of reports for ALI inspections, The AfSE website offers up-to-date information on the Conference and other matters. For further advice or to arrange a demonstration of ASSET, in your own offices, please call 0870 112 0421.


Feb 2004 - CES for Bolton PCT/Social Services

News ID: 119

CHL's CES (Community Equipment System) has been chosen as the preferred solution for Bolton PCT/Social Services, ICES implementation. Michael Whittaker, Head of Technical Development on the ICES team, telephoned CHL's MD, Jim Moores, to tell him the good news. The CES Project Leader, Mark Collins, said "I am delighted that Bolton have recognised how user-friendly CES is and how CHL's implementation team can deliver an integrated solution to their Community Equipment needs". Along with CHL's Web Designer, Rob Lowe, Mark undertook two presentations to the Bolton ICES team and, against stiff competition they won the day. Well done to them both (Jim Moores, MD). The NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency put in place a framework contract open to all NHS/Local Authority purchasers in England and agents acting on their behalf. The agreement is for the supply, delivery, installation, maintenance and training associated with a Community Equipment Services management system. The Output Based Specification (O.B.S) describes the high level output requirements for the planned investments in a Community Equipment Services management system by NHS/Local Authority purchasers throughout England. This document will be used as the basis of a National Framework Agreement, which these organisations will be able to procure within. CHL's CES system was identified as one which satisfied the rigorous demands oulined in the O.B.S. The ICES website offers more information about integration and about IT systems. For further advice or to arrange a demonstration of CES, in your own offices, please call 0870 112 0421.
